Communio – Quality and Risk
Quality and Risk Project
Communio provides practical end-of-life advice, guidance and support services. Communio is certified with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. Since the move from Sydney to Auckland, the business model has changed from health services consulting practice to service delivery/logistics in coronial services within New Zealand. Therefore, a re-certification assessment was planned due to this successful change and hence the Quality and Risk project. This was to ensure that the existing Quality and Risk system was reviewed, updated and implemented to be fit for purpose.
Project Status:
Project Timeframe:
April 2019 – December 2019
- Reviewing and refreshing the Quality management system
- Review, develop and implement a Risk management framework
- Clinical risk is represented in the Quality and Risk framework
- Upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint online (See also the SharePoint Upgrade Project)
- IANZ accreditation of the Communio mortuary facility. Note that this is a separate Quality and Technical management system (ISO 15189:2012), which also aligns with the ISO 9001:2015 standard
- Quality and Risk Management Framework document – endorsed by the SLT and Communio Advisory Group
- An updated suite of quality and risk management documents (policies, procedures, forms, templates) that are fit for purpose
- Confirmed IT platform for Quality management system (i.e. upgrade of share point or other options)
- Implementation of quality and risk management infrastructure (meetings, communications, use of tools, templates, reports etc.)